Coaching Services

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as: “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership”.

the right one

How is coaching different from psychotherapy?

While there is some overlap between therapy and coaching, therapy usually focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of significant mental health issues such as major depression or generalized anxiety disorder. Therapy may examine past experiences in a way that fosters insight, resolution, and healing. With a significant commitment of time and resources, therapy can uncover the historical roots of current difficulties and symptoms to achieve symptom resolution and improved daily functioning.

Coaching, on the other hand, starts from where the person is now and is forward-looking. It focuses on setting and achieving short-term and long-term goals in collaboration with a “thought partner.” Coaches provide support for attaining an individual’s specific and concrete objectives that are not necessarily healthcare-related and address issues that, while uncomfortable, are not debilitating.

Understanding this distinction is an important part of choosing the right “helper” for you. Whereas psychotherapists’ primary focus may be on maintaining stability and recovery from symptoms, coaches facilitate enhanced performance and goal attainment across the eight domains of wellbeing.

At Sunstone, coaching is a forward looking, novel thinking, goal driven process that transforms communications and addresses obstacles to achieving your desired outcome(s). It enhances your problem-solving ability by leveraging both your strengths and your challenges. It assists in the discovery or rediscovery of your purpose and works with you to align your purpose to your actions.

Our PIVOT coaching model entails thoroughly assessing where you are and then helps you get to where you want to be.
We focus on Purpose, Integrity, Voice, Opportunities vs Obstacles, and Trust to create the strongest foundation possible on which to build your dream organization. The P.I.V.O.T Model begins with personalized phases, each designed to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome for you and your organization.
Our PIVOT Pathways are designed to meet your needs now and to help you create sustainable solutions for the future. We have PIVOT Purpose for Executives who want to enhance their ability to lead with courage and authenticity. PIVOT Inspiration is for Managers and Supervisors aspiring to enhance collaboration, positive communication, and productivity within their departments and teams. The PIVOT Institute is for HR and self-improvement, PIVOT Passion is for building trust and credibility within teams, and for Individuals who want to enhance their skills to be peak performers. The PIVOT tech and transformation is for harnessing technology to develop and design new products or to enhance existing technology for better outcomes.

So, join with us, whether it is to realign your organization, blaze a new trail,

or launch your next big thing…. The only question left is “How GREAT will it be?”

How do you know if coaching is right for you?

Take our quiz: Answer yes or no
and see which pathway might fit you.

I am seeking help dealing with burnout.

Pivot Institute and Pivot inspiration pathways

I want to understand how to engage with my team.

Pivot Institute and Pivot Inspiration pathways

I want to learn to delegate projects and responsibilities fairly.

Pivot Inspiration and Pivot Passion

I want my team to be proactive rather than reactive.

Pivot Inspiration, Pivot Passion, and Pivot Purpose

I want to figure out if my company’s culture is “toxic”.

Tailored combination of Pivot Institute, Inspiration, Passion, and Purpose

I want to change my company’s toxic workplace culture.

Pivot Institute and Pivot Purpose

I want to figure out who will be my successor.

Pivot Passion and Pivot Purpose

I want to make sure our new hires are good fits for the company.

Pivot Institute

I want to scale my business and ensure sustainability.

Pivot Institute and Pivot Tech and Transformation

I want to make a course correction with my staff.

Pivot Inspiration, Pivot Purpose, and Pivot Passion

I want to better communicate changes to our strategic initiatives.

Pivot Inspiration, Purpose, and Pivot Passion

I want to ensure my team meets productivity goals.

Pivot Inspiration and Pivot Purpose

I want to have a better work/life balance.

Pivot Institute and modified portions of Inspiration, Purpose, and Passion pathways

I want to foster the potential I see in my employees.

Full Pivot Program

I want to have a trusted advisor and thought partner who can help me develop a learning culture.

Pivot Purpose and Pivot Passion

I want to figure out if I should stay or leave my current position.

Pivot Institute, Pivot Purpose

I want to figure out if I am depressed.

Therapy might be an adjunct to the PIVOT institute

So how do we do all that?