The Business Case
For Coaching

So, what is all the hoopla about with coaching?

It simply makes good business sense. Currently, organizations are facing an employee disengagement rate of up to 57% and one third of employees would take a pay cut to see their direct supervisor fired. This level and type of employee demoralization is particularly detrimental to reaching strategic goals and maintaining a healthy workforce. When employees are disengaged it means:

  • That products are not being delivered on time.
  • Teams are unproductive and miss key deadlines.
  • Leaders are unable to bring their vision and mission to fruition.
  • Organizations have difficulty retaining talent or acquiring new talent.

Often, leaders and employees alike use the words “chaotic” and “toxic” to describe these situations but aren’t sure what to do about it or where to turn.

There are predictable outcomes when employees, supervisors, managers, and leaders operate from a place of chronic frustration and pessimism.
  • They become Resigned to their situation and display apathy, hindering creativity and innovation.
  • They Retreat-avoiding working on products and speaking to co-workers, hiding in offices behind closed doors.
  • They Release themselves and quit, often without notice or preparation, leaving others to pick up the pieces.
  • They Repeat the negative behaviors that those above model for them, errors don’t get acknowledged and corrected, they get punished.

And those other 2 R’s? That’s where the real power of the process of coaching resides.

By teaching clients to understand and master their own stress responses and emotional reactivity, our coaching programs can raise the level of functioning for both leaders and employees alike.
When organizations are staffed and managed by self-reflective individuals, certain benefits emerge:
1. People become better able to take Responsibility and show a greater capacity to respond to tasks and challenges.
2. People develop greater Resilience in the face of challenges, with a more confident, flexible response to problem-solving.
Sound like you or your organization? Call us today to schedule a “goodness of fit” chat.

Sound like you
or your organization?

Contact us today to schedule
a “Goodness of Fit” chat