Connecting Services

Those two pillars of coaching and consulting are supported by 25+ years of professional learning and development experience. Our comprehensive library of presentations and trainings includes clinical education issues and business-focused solutions

Our team stays current and up to date on the most pressing issues of the day and we are also aware of the context in which that information is imparted, namely to busy adults with busy lives.

In the very noisy world we inhabit, with an endless flow of information and misinformation, we aim to help you to ascertain what really matters and chart your best course when navigating troubled times.
Presentations and training

We offer many in-person and virtual trainings designed to meet your immediate and long-term goals, professionally and personally. Our trainings provide the basic foundations upon which behavioral change is built. We cover beginner, intermediate, and advanced learner topics that are relevant, useful, and actionable for our audiences, be they schools, businesses, and/or government entities.

We offer recorded webinars, e-learning, and group facilitation, in addition to 1:1 educational support. When you learn, we learn. We hold a growth mindset and look for opportunities within the challenges that our clientele face domestically, internationally, and globally. Being Trauma Informed is one way to drive organizational change and culture shifts.

Complex organizations around the globe are grappling with the effects of violence both directly and indirectly. The human and economic costs associated with violence and trauma cannot be understated, and leaders need multi-pronged, concrete, and actionable approaches that enable their employees to thrive in challenging conditions.

Many organizations recognize the need to engage differently when it comes to personal and professional safety yet did not know where to turn for such assistance. We at Sunstone knew there would be challenges to addressing this multifaceted issue but we remain committed to doing so.

Strategies and Tactics for Reducing Individual and Institutional Violent Episodes

(S.T.R.I.V.E for safety) is Sunstone’s unique training program and process to help employees, teams, leaders, and organizations to navigate workplace violence and trauma. It is designed to enhance safety on all levels since safety is the foundation upon which everything else is built and without which everything else crumbles. Safety has multiple domains: physical, psychological, social, and moral (Bloom, 2010). And must be held for employees, clients, and leaders alike. Violence, the antithesis of safety, is at epidemic proportions and threatens the provision of services and quality of care. In some cases, it threatens the very lives of service providers.

During the S.T.R.I.V.E course, participants explore and practice strategies for assessing the multifactorial correlates of violence and learn specific techniques for mitigating it. While the course utilizes the public health model of violence and follows a socio-ecological framework, it is designed to be adapted for organizations large and small, public, or private. The training is highly interactive and offers ample opportunities for the participants to bring in their own scenarios and experiences.

We also recognize that sometimes an unfortunate event happens that significantly damages the employee, team, leader, or organization and can have a lasting negative impact if not addressed immediately. Sunstone’s debriefing team can mobilize to mitigate the effects of trauma for those exposed to or witness workplace violence and are affected or injured by it.

Our Trauma Informed Emergency Response or T.I.E.R system can be directly deployed in the aftermath of a negative event to restore optimal functioning as soon as possible. Moreover, we can show you how to build your own T.I.E.R teams going forward.

Explore more of the details of our services